A informação veiculada em quadros e gráficos estatísticos é imensa e multivariada. Geralmente, fazem-se análises particulares segundo o ângulo que ao observador interessa mais, que noutros momentos, pode ser muito diferente. Assim, creio que o disponibilizarem-se quadros e gráficos estatísticos aos estudiosos é muito importante e que, num blogue, permite que se faça debate das interpretações e análises que cada observador faz dos dados apresentados.

segunda-feira, 17 de agosto de 2009

Poll Results: Why Do You Tweet?

via TwiTip de Lara Kulpa em 24/07/09

Last week I asked TwiTip readers to share their primary reason for using Twitter, and the results weren't all that surprising:


I'm personally a little disheartened here, with the number one result being "Promoting my company/blog (as opposed to networking)." Granted, networking and learning are close behind, but it seems to me that people are more out for getting their business in front of others' eyes as a number one priority.

Do we blame this on the "social media experts" who push the idea that Twitter is good for business, or is it more just a selfish need to try anything to drum up more clients? What happened to communication on Twitter? Look at the results for "To talk about anything EXCEPT business." at only 9% of the answers… I was hoping that number would've been a little higher at least.

What do you think? Is Twitter the same as it always was, or has it become more of a place where people advertise more than they connect?

© 2008 TwiTip Twitter Tips.


Poll Results: Why Do You Tweet?

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  1. Do You Log In to Twitter.com To Tweet? [POLL]
  2. New Poll: Have You Convinced Others To Tweet?
  3. Win a Macbook Air for Writing a Tweet PLUS Vote in Our Poll

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